
Selected Guest Professors at KIT Department of Architecture.

2022/2023 – Peter van Assche and Katja Hogenboom from bureau SLA will share a visiting professor position at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) by a grant from the Sto Foundation. The Sto Foundation initiates and funds research projects ...

Attend AAP Launchpad: Monday Oct. 25, 5 p.m.

20 October 2021 – Coming Monday, Peter will present his latest publication “Eight Strategies for Design”, in close collaboration with Dillion Pranger and de Cornell AAP Faculty, at the AAP Launchpad event. During this special book launch event ...

Wooncoöp De Binnenhaven has been established.

June 18, 2020 – Today the WoonCoöp De BinnenHaven is officially established at PVM Notaries in Almere. The WoonCoöp wants to turn the Stadswerfpark in Almere-Haven into a place where independent living and community living go together. A place from ...

Essay for the Venice Biennale

In the context of the Dutch contribution to the 17th International Architecture Biennale of Venice Peter van Assche contributed to Cahier 1: Values for Survival, edited by Caroline Nevejan. In the first essay, Peter van Assche argues for radical circular ...

working on …

February 29, 2020. SLA is currently working on a great housing project in Amsterdam. The 70 meter high tower will contain about 150 apartments in different sizes. More information soon.

Lecture for the Strelka Institute Moscow

February 19, 2020 – Peter van Assche gave a lecture to a group of 50 architects and urban planners of the Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design. Each year through an open call Strelka selects 100 best practising architects, urban ...

New façade for NEMO

July 2, 2019 – The construction of the new façade at the NEMO building on Marineterrein Amsterdam has started.